Sunday, November 30, 2008
Roll Tide Roll!!
Papa and Mama Don purchased all the boys Alabama t-shirts and brought them here this visit. Just in time for Alabama vs. Auburn. We all watched the game together. By the way, we will add two more to this crew next year, Lindsey is due in Feb. with a another boy and Kimberly is due in late June hopefully with a cheerleader!!!
** I am so crazy that I thought Friday was Saturday and I asked Jeremy to put their new shirts on them Friday morning. Gray's was still in the wash on Saturday.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We had a great Thanksgiving. One thing I am thankful for is that we didn't have to travel this year. My Mom, Dad, Wade, Kimberly, Jax and Lawson all came over in the morning. We went to the park and let the boys play. They played on the play ground, played flag football, and played basketball. We grabbed some lunch and then headed home for naps. While the boys napped, the adults played Phase 10. It was so fun. We had Thanksgiving dinner around 4:30. Jeremy's Mom and husband came over and our worship pastor and his wife (they are like family). I have so many things to be thankful for. 2008 has been GREAT!!!
This the only good picture I got. Blake and Law Dog!!
This the only good picture I got. Blake and Law Dog!!
Sam threw Gray's lovie behind his bed and this is what I found. Gray had been taking off his socks during nap time and tossing them in this corner. I had no idea. I know what you are thinking. I didn't miss them once. Do you know how many pairs of white (some are grayish these days) socks I have for the boys? Also, Tyler and Blake both get Gray out of his bed when he wakes up. Little Stinker!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I really do love small groups. Jeremy and I have three small groups between the two of us. He does a gym small group, we both have a Friday night small group, and I have a Wednesday night girls small group. They ended this week and I am sad. They start back up in Jan., but I miss it so much.
This is a picture of my small group (minus my sweet sister-n-law who was out of town). We meet at Barnes and Noble every Wed. night at 7:30. We talk until it closes and we are very loud. Thank you Lord we haven't gotten kicked out. We just finished reading For Women Only: What You Need To Know About The Inner Lives Of Men. It was awesome. Anyway, I had to give a shout out to my girls on the blog. I love you!!
**Don't worry, our Friday night group is just as special and fun. Jeremy and I look forward to it every week. We have a blast!!!

This is a picture of my small group (minus my sweet sister-n-law who was out of town). We meet at Barnes and Noble every Wed. night at 7:30. We talk until it closes and we are very loud. Thank you Lord we haven't gotten kicked out. We just finished reading For Women Only: What You Need To Know About The Inner Lives Of Men. It was awesome. Anyway, I had to give a shout out to my girls on the blog. I love you!!
**Don't worry, our Friday night group is just as special and fun. Jeremy and I look forward to it every week. We have a blast!!!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Turkey Day is Coming!
Tyler had to disguise his turkey so he wouldn't be eaten on Thanksgiving. He made his turkey a Rock Star. Surprise Surprise!!
I totally stole this idea from my very crafty friend Amanda. Sam and I made this turkey and each night at dinner we say what we are thankful for and write it on a feather. I wanted the boys to just do it, but they wouldn't have it. Everyone had to do it. I hung it on our pantry door and it has been a blast doing this.
The problem is that our turkey is full feathered and we have 5 more days until Thanksgiving. That is what you get when you have a big family.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday Morning
This morning Tyler was getting ready for school and yelled "Mom, What is Gray doing sitting on the toilet eating a muffin?" Sure enough I went in the bathroom and found Gray just like this. I ran to get my camera. He is saying "cheese" and Sam decided to join him on the soccer stool. They love being where the big boys are. 
Sunday Sunday
Sundays are pretty tiring around here. Jeremy leaves around 5 a.m and the boys and I are ready and gone around 7:50 until 11:30. We have lunch, do naps, and then the boys play outside until we make them come in. Some Sunday's we have Newcomers or Discovery at night. Yesterday, we didn't have those, but Blake did have a Birthday party. This is Gray on most days that the boys play outside. He wants so bad to be outside with the big boys. I do take Gray out to play, but not nearly as much as the boys play outside.
Also their were donuts left over from church this morning, and Gray decided he needed one. He just pulled up a chair and helped himself. Hilarious.
Hula Hut
Last week Sam, Gray, and I had a special treat of doing lunch at Hula Hut on Lake Austin. Famous people are spotted their all the time. For example you might see Kate Hudson or Lance Armstrong. Last time we were there we saw Jeremy from the Bachlorette. Anyway, it really was treat, because normally we would be at home eating another ham sandwich.
I think this shirt is too small, but we needed to where some Tide Pride!!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Election Day
This is us on Election Day/Night! We actually did watch it a few minutes with the boys. The boys perspective on the election is really comical. They had a mock election at Tyler and Blake's school. The boys love to say the name Obama. Also, Tyler said only old people vote for John McCain because he is old. All day Blake asked anyone he saw "Who did you vote for?" I thought is was cool that he didn't even think someone wouldn't vote. I did tell him he isn't supposed to ask people who they vote for. Did that stop him? NO!!
Bumps and Bruises
Bloody noses, knees, and heads are a weekly occurrence around here. Tuesday evening we were hanging out talking with our neighbors and Sam came down the street on his scooter and fell. He sliced his head open. Poor guy! I really think my neighbors think that Jeremy and I are insensitive, because we don't freak out, but we have had more than enough experience in this particular department. 
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