We just got back from our second trip to Haiti in the last 4 months. Thank the Lord above that our transition back was
Now to the good stuff. Schella is AWESOME!! We had such a marvelous time loving on her. She had so much more personality this time. She was crawling. She threw some fits. We were loving it. I know she recognized us also. She was much more loving and would crawl to Jeremy and I to pick her up. Schella has also picked up a little weight and she was eating great!! All that does a Mama's heart so good. We missed the whole first year of Schella's life. We have nothing to show her from that first year, but because of these bonding visits we get to document her and everything she does. It blesses us to be able to do that and I know one day it will bless her.
It is a wonderful experience to be there with 22 other families who are adopting and know exactly what you are feeling. These families rock and I admire each and every one of them. We got to be apart of two girls birthday celebrations, watch as a family came to be matched with one boy and ended up with two boys (7 and 11. Can you imagine?), and a young lady who has aged out of adoption, but found out while we were there that she got a passport for a student visa!! I am amazed that I get to watch these stories and see God's glory in them.
The big question when we are going to Haiti and when we get back is "When is she coming home?" I have to totally disappoint everyone with "I don't know." We really don't know. Are we believing by faith by a certain time? Absolutely!!! God can do ALL things and we hold on to that tightly!! As of right now, ours and her dossiers are finished. IBESR (Haitian Social Services) has closed all incoming dossiers until July 31st. We are choosing to see this as a positive thing. Our hope and prayer is that some of these families who have been waiting in IBESR will get out and bring their kids home. Hopefully by July 31st a new batch of dossiers will go in and be able to come out more quickly.
Guess what? She will be home one day. We met a mom in the Haiti airport who was bringing her 4 year old daughter, Lucy, home for the first time. It does happen! They come home!!
Awwww I love these pictures!!! Esp the one of Schella sleeping!!! She will be here before you know it!!
Yes! She *is* coming home! Praying with you and for sweet Schella!
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