Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Can you believe he is three?

Sam is such a happy kid. He has always been this way. He couldn't wait to turn three. A month ago he asked me if he was three yet and I said no and he said "it's taking forever"!! Finally...sweet Sam!! Happy Birthday Sam, Sammy, Sambo, Samster, Sammy Sosa!! We love you!!
August 31st 2005 Like I have mentioned before, I let the kids pick their birthday dinner all by themselves. I don't suggest or talk them into any of it.
Sam's Birthday Dinner Menu: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Chips and Dip, and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in a Cone!!
Easy Enough!!!

August 31st 2008

1 comment:

Stephen and Kelly said...

Happy Birthday, Sam! We love you!!!