Friday, February 15, 2008


I really do love Valentine's day. I am not a huge flower fan or the lovey dovey things that come with Valentine's day, but I love the sweets!! It is true. Jeremy and I both. So the apple/apples don't fall from the tree. We didn't give the boys any candy for Valentine's day. Note: We did make cupcakes though. I let them decorate bags the day before and then we put their gifts in the bags. They had plenty of candy from grandparents, friends, and school. It was fun and the sugar high finally wore off about 8 p.m. last night. I almost forgot, Jerm gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure (never a bad gift) and I gave him some awesome new kicks!! Lovely!!

Candy Eater!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your boys are beautiful!