At this very moment I am sitting at my Mom's house blogging because someone is looking at our house. Our house is up for sale. We have lived in our house for four years and we love it and we especially love our street. There are about 16 kids my kids ages. It is wonderful. We know as we get closer and closer to bringing our sweet girl home that we will need a little more space. I always said I wanted 5 boys when I was growing up and now we are having 5 kids, but not the way I had always thought...much better. Our family, of soon to be 7, needs just a bit more room. The funny thing is that when our house sells we are planning on moving on the same street as my parents and my sister. We are really excited about it, in its own little cultish way (wink). Jeremy grew up in the same neighborhood as his grandparents and loved it. Our goal is to be in this "new"house for a good long while.
Not only is the house for sale, but Jeremy and I leave for Haiti in 11 days. I have so much to do next week to get our stuff plus everything the boys will need for the 6 days we are gone. We are going for a bonding visit. We will meet Schella and have her with us for a full 6 days and nights. I feel like it is going to make this process even more real, even more hard, and lead us to lean into God and His faithfulness even more. Thank the Lord for Kimberly and Lindsey who have hooked me up with everything besides formula and diapers for Schella while we are there. A friend of mine said she has seen them drop off a baby with a bottle with the adoptive parents at the hotel and leave. Needless to say we are bringing everything!!! I am so thankful for my in-laws, my parents, our good friends Kat and Kenny, and our intern Leo from Brazil (he has been living with us since July) for helping with the boys while we are gone. That is a HUGE job in itself. We will be updating the blog and Facebook/Twitter while we are gone! Lots of pictures and videos!!
Please say a prayer for us if you think about it. For our house to sell and for the upcoming trip!!
Also, the new church is going AWESOME!! So much to be thankful for!
What is a blog post without pictures ;)!

Roll Tide is all I am sayin!
So thankful for this crew!!

One of the failed Christmas card pics!
I liked it, but Jeremy doesn't really like his head cut off.

This is a better depiction of this crew!