Things have been a little busy since my last post. School has started and just now, week 4, am I getting into the groove of after school homework, bath time, and dinner. I have no idea why it takes me a little while to get my act together.
The Self crew is doing well. The boys are enjoying school, Grayson is enjoying not being in school, the weather is 105 degrees today, and I have loved getting to have coffee and lunch with my friends during the day when I only have one at home. I am trying to be positive about the heat. Just go with it.
About the adoption....we ARE still adopting. Jeremy had a really hard time accepting the fact that the door just might be closed with "A". We have both prayed, talked, prayed, and talked about what our next step should be. As of right now, we applied with the orphanage that works specifically with our agency for a girl between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. We should be getting matches of possible girls next week sometime. It is exciting and scary. We feel this is our next step and we are walking down that path by faith. If by some sheer miracle something comes up with "A", then we will most definitely pursue her as well as the little girl God gives us. We are officially crazy, but you already knew that!!!
About the adoption....we ARE still adopting. Jeremy had a really hard time accepting the fact that the door just might be closed with "A". We have both prayed, talked, prayed, and talked about what our next step should be. As of right now, we applied with the orphanage that works specifically with our agency for a girl between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. We should be getting matches of possible girls next week sometime. It is exciting and scary. We feel this is our next step and we are walking down that path by faith. If by some sheer miracle something comes up with "A", then we will most definitely pursue her as well as the little girl God gives us. We are officially crazy, but you already knew that!!!