Recently we partnered with the Summer Lunches program in our community. Summer Lunches provides lunch and a snack for kids who get free breakfast and lunch through the government during the school year, but may not have lunch during the Summer. I knew immediately I wanted myself and my family to be involved. So, I e-mailed a bunch of my friends and we all brought items to make 70 lunches plus a snack for these children. This is the second time we have done it this Summer.
Making 70 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Getting ready to stuff the lunches.

Jeremy and I had the opportunity to go with a group to actually pass the lunches out. I loved it. We went to neighborhoods that are not even 5 miles from my house, but most people do not even know they are there. The lady driving would just honk her horn and kids would start coming out for their lunches. They come Monday-Friday, so they know the lunch truck is coming. So kids would ask for 6 or 7 lunches for their siblings. Others aren't allowed to come out because their parents are at work, so we would leave them on the door step and soon as we would pull away they would crack the door open to get them.
I love that God invites us to be on mission with Him. This was so simple, and yet so meaningful not only to the receivers, but to the givers.